Friday, September 30, 2011

小S怀孕了! Xiao S Is Pregnant(Again)!

Click here for the whole article by XinMSN :)

A quick summary & translation below, should you need it ;) - pic from XinMSN.

Xiao S is already 3 months pregnant, and she 'predicts' that this tim
e round, it's still going to be a girl - with the symptoms, etc. she experiences being similar to those she had when she was pregnant with her 2 older daughters.

She revealed that previously, she tried a recommended diet - which was said to increase your probability of bearing a son - with her husband, but that didn't work - she still bore a daughter; thus, this time round, she didn't really stick to any 'special' diet, and wanted to ''let things take their natural course''.

A name has already been thought up by Xiao S for her third daughter(as she predicts) - Alice! Xiao S was also stated as saying that having a third daughter is good - as she herself is the third daughter in her family, and she describes herself as being filial and capable of earning money. So, Xiao S concludes, having a daughter still for the 'third round' is not a bad thing as well.

Da S congratulated her younger sis on Weibo, saying that she and her family were very happy to hear the news and that she wanted to be with Xiao S all the way and be the first to tell the newborn baby, "Auntie loves you!"

Regarding her super popular talkshow with Cai Kang Yong(蔡康永) - Kang Xi Lai Le《康熙来了》, Xiao S has said that she will host for as long as she can(before giving birth). Kai Yong has been very supportive as well, stating that he will 'rest' along with Xiao S(meaning, not going to carry on with the show and everything), no matter how long a break she may need.

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