Here's a relatively new Korean drama I just found out about :) It's titled Protect The Boss/<<守护老板>>/보스를 지켜라. (FYI: It had other titles initially, ie. 보스가 달라졌어요 The Boss Has Changed / 마지막 여비서 The Last Secretary.)
Starring:- Choi Kang Hee 崔江熙 (최강희), Ji Sung/Ji Seong 池城 (지성), Hero Jaejoong 英雄在中 (from JYJ)
Here's a long trailer of the show, with English subs - enjoy! ;)
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New idol drama alert! :) Titled Inborn Pair / True Love. Or Asking for Trouble? / <<真愛找麻煩>>.
It's debuting TODAY in Singapore on cable tv - ECity(Du Hui Tai) CH 825/CH 111, @7pm. Apparently it is 80-episodes long, omg! Haha but anw, the preview looked interesting to me, so I'm going to support it ;)
And if you remember or happen to recognise the female lead - she is actually Annie Chen 陳庭妮 (陈庭妮), who played Lin Chu Man's (a.k.a Lynn Xiong 熊黛林) step-sister in Material Queen <<拜金女王>>. And yup, the male lead is Chris Wang 王宥勝, the supporting actor in The Shrewd/Fierce Wife <<犀利人妻>>.
P.S. The Shrewd/Fierce Wife is also currently airing in Singapore! Click here for more details :)
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Not really used to seeing Daniel Radcliffe in other roles outside Harry Potter... And what's more, this new film (just released in SG) is a horror movie o.O haha!
The last part is quite creepy (around 1:20)...
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A side-note about this new online platform called Ruuva>>> It's free and a great advertising medium for your own shop space, or for you to sell your pre-loved items! ;)
Another song of Ming Bridges' - 馬賽克世界. The melody was composed by her and this MV was just released a few days ago on her company's(Funkie Monkies Music) official Youtube channel :)
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This photogenic Singaporean artiste - Ming Bridges - has just released her debut album (with self-composed songs, if I'm not wrong), <<谁知道>> Who Knows, featuring both English and Chinese songs.
I kind of like the chorus of this song; it's catchy! The song's titled 有些男孩不能愛.